Old 08-03-2009, 08:16 AM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In the middle of a mess...
Posts: 20,026

From what I heard from the neighbors, it used to happen alot here. Most of the people now have their mailboxes anchored in between cinderblocks/cement. They build a tower sort of thing, then put the mailbox up at the right height, then more cement and cinderblocks around it. Some have used bricks too. Seems that once the boxes started being made like that, no one messed with them. Guess they couldn't whack them over with them being like they are now.

We used to have that happen to us growing up.
I guess I was maybe 16 the last time I remember it happening.
Some idiots on a dirt bike, zooming up and down the road whacking mailboxes with a stick/pipe or something.
Well, dad had had enough of that, so out the door he went with his shotgum. YUP! SHOTGUN! We lived in the middle of the woods...neighbors 1/4 mile down the road and 1/2 mile up the road and none across the street. Woods all around us.
Dirtbike comes down the road again. Dad took aim at the bottom of the mailbox and WHAM!! Hit the back tire of the dirtbike. Some obscenities could be heard from the riders, but they never came back. Dad thought he knew who the hoodlums were, so the next day he told his story at work. Let it be known that the next time it happened, he'd be aiming at heads. Never happened again!
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