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Old 11-20-2011, 04:29 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 8

It is not my intention to cause negativity, but please open your minds and ponder.

How many of you use a wringer washer or a mangle or even know what they are? I inherited both appliances (not my primary appliances!) and taught myself how to use them. It is amazing how self-instruction can be accomplished when the incentive is there.

Why do I ask this? Just so you can think how the world changes and how things have come and gone from use. I don’t think that many people crank the Model-T in their driveway and miss the experience. Just try to buy a typewriter ribbon---they’re out there, but not readily available like they used to be 40 or so years ago. The world DOES change and we must change as well whether we like it or not. I challenge most of you to text faster than your grandchildren. The relevant and important things in their young lives (and I am not necessarily referencing their personal likes) are probably very different than yours. This is not necessarily good or bad---it is what it is!

Also, as another member noted, what is the problem with parents and grandparents getting more involved in their children’s education? My mother was the person who taught me to count change and my dad taught me how to write a check and manage the checking account among a million other everyday tasks, not a classroom teacher. If something is important to you no matter how inconsequential it appears to be, why not enjoy some quality time and teach your children and grandchildren? (I still fondly remember those teaching session with my parents!) As a retired educator, it is not very often that teachers get the luxury of teaching something when the interest of a student is there...timing is everything!

P.S. I heard that children may not be learning cursive writing in general, but it is mandatory that they all learn to write their least until that fingerprint and iris scanner are more common!
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