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Old 11-22-2011, 04:02 AM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
Posts: 9,133
Default This is a Test. This is Only a Test.

I'm testing to see if there are limits on the amount of content we can include within individual Thread posts. (NOTE: LIMIT confirmed to be 10,000 characters.)

Make sure to read all the way through this. It includes things I learned while testing the system, plus important tips from the developers. The success rate for members who’ve read and followed this guide is very high.

Our recent move to a new house seems to have unexpectedly left many of our valued friends and family behind. Some can’t find us. Others have lost their keys. Still more have keys that don’t seem to fit the new locks.

  1. If you're already a registered member, please read all below.
  2. If you are trying to register as a new member, please refer to the registration information link at the end.
All of this is based on the results of my tests of the New Member Registration and Current Member Password Reset Features. Both features do work as they are supposed to.

Based on a very good tip/reminder posted today by another member I recommend that you read the following before you attempt to login again:

To those getting the error message "incorrect password" or "incorrect user name", have you cleaned out temp files and cookies lately? Also, if you're coming onto the board with an old "shortcut" or "favorite bookmark", delete it, type into the address bar, or click on the link right here to go there, and make it a new internet shortcut or internet favorite bookmark. Try it, and see if these tips help.

When you get to the Quilting Board Home Page to sign in, please remember to wait until the page completes loading to log in. The fields have "hint" text in them as opposed to labels outside them to indicate what should be put in there. When the page has mostly loaded, there is code on the page that will dynamically remove that hint text from the field as soon as the user tries to enter their own text in there.

However, if you try to click into the field immediately after it shows up, but while the page has not finished loading, it's possible you may submit the hint text along with your actual username or password, resulting in a failed log-in.

Remember: both username and password are case-sensitive.
Example: suppose my username is JoeSmith and my password is Abc123
If I try to sign in as joesmith, it won’t work
If I try to use the password abc123, it won’t work


Please try this first: Go to the password reset request page.

If the security image is hard to read, please click on the words “Refresh Image” until it presents something you can see clearly.

Make sure to open the reset notice right away and follow the steps.
When you receive your new password use it right away. It will only work for 24 hours.

If you use it before it expires, you can use it permanently.

Again -When you get to the Quilting Board Home Page to sign in, please remember to wait until the page completes loading to log in. The fields have "hint" text in them as opposed to labels outside them to indicate what should be put in there. When the page has mostly loaded, there is code on the page that will dynamically remove that hint text from the field as soon as the user tries to enter their own text in there.

However, if you try to click into the field immediately after it shows up, but while the page has not finished loading, it's possible you may submit the hint text along with your actual username or password, resulting in a failed log-in.

Remember: both username and password are case-sensitive.
Example: suppose my username is JoeSmith and my password is Abc123
If I try to sign in as joesmith, it won’t work
If I try to use the password abc123, it won’t work

If you click on the link to change your password (from the reset to one you like better) you will find yourself at a login page. Log in using the reset password. You will then find yourself at your settings page. At this point you can safely change from the reset password to one you like better.

Whichever password you decide to use, please make note of it in a safe place.

If it rejects your current email address, you will have to send me the following information in one email.

1. board Username
2. email address used when you created your membership

These are security requirements.

If you cannot provide both in one email I’m afraid your only alternative is to register again to create a new membership.

This is a sample copied from Excel and then pasted into this post.
[TABLE="width: 699"]
[TD]Home –[/TD]
[TD]On Main Menu Bar[/TD]
[TD]Quilting Newsletter –[/TD]
[TD]Under Resources | Articles[/TD]
[TD]Live Chat –[/TD]
[TD]On Main Menu Bar[/TD]
[TD]Search –[/TD]
[TD]On Main Menu Bar[/TD]
[TD]Member List -[/TD]
[TD]On Main Menu Bar[/TD]
[TD]Help –[/TD]
[TD]In development. Will be added over time. We can help each other figure out what needs to be added. That should be - and will be - an ongoing process.[/TD]
[TD]My Profile –[/TD]
[TD]On Top Right Menu Bar[/TD]
[TD]My Bookmarks –[/TD]
[TD]Can be Found Under Profile | Subscriptions[/TD]
[TD]Buddy List –[/TD]
[TD]Replaced by Contacts[/TD]
[TD]My Pages –[/TD]
[TD]Replaced by Blogs[/TD]
[TD]Private Messages – In our current format, we can see right away whether or not a sent message has been read.[/TD]
[TD]In the new format, we have to remember to mark each one for read receipt and then check the Track Messages folder.[/TD]
[TD]Recent Topics –[/TD]
[TD]Doesn’t work the same way it does in the current format. Is date-based and not user-specific[/TD]
[TD]Watched Topics –[/TD]
[TD]Can be Found Under Profile | Subscriptions[/TD]
[TD]Unread Topics –[/TD]
[TD]No equivalent. Will be added later if possible.[/TD]
[TD]Topic Log –[/TD]
[TD]No equivalent. Will be added later if possible.[/TD]
[TD]My Topics –[/TD]
[TD]Link is in Settings[/TD]
[TD]My Posts –[/TD]
[TD]Link is in Settings[/TD]
[TD]Sometimes referred to as Forums[/TD]
[TD]Threads within Sections/Forums[/TD]
[TD]Comments/Responses/Posts to Topics[/TD]
[TD]Blogs have Posts and Comments. The Blogger makes Posts. We have to open each Post in order to see the Comments made by other members about that Post.[/TD]
[TD]Now refers to everything except Blogs[/TD]
[TD]Maximum size in new format is 120 x 120 pixels. All avatars copied over from the old site are smaller. If we want to make our Avatars post at the maximum size, we have to (1) create a properly sized copy of that image file on our computers; (2) delete the current avatar; then (3) upload the new version.[/TD]
  • necessity is the mother of invention. lazy is the crazy aunt.
  • for issues regarding the reminder emails, please contact [email protected]

Last edited by patricej; 11-22-2011 at 04:18 AM.
patricej is offline