Old 11-22-2011, 04:59 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Indiana, Outside Indianapolis
Posts: 44

OK lets be real. Just how many of you are really going to check to see what is on the edge of the fabric before you buy it. I don't know about you but with the price of fabric I am just glad I can FIND some fabric that is in the color and style I want and a price I can afford let along looking to see if I could or could not use this to sell. I suppose if I started some big quilt or other operation that used alot of this fabric I would need to think about it but for the piddly amount I use I don't think it is a problem. I think where they are going after people is those who make jackets/blankets etc in the "team" fabrics or any other license fabric and sell them at flea(flee)markets. At any rate I am not worried and will still make and every now and then sell what I make and still not worry. (()That is my story and I am sticking to it)()()()
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