Old 11-22-2011, 07:08 AM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Florida
Posts: 71

Originally Posted by nursie76 View Post
I have been following this thread with interest. I am still having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that a designer designs a fabric the he/she feels will be marketable and sell well. They have it produced by the fabric manufacturer to...well...sell. So folks decide the fabric is awesome, buy it (sometimes at a premium price), take it home because it is perfect for a commissioned quilt, table topper...whatever. But wait! Can't do that because the same designer that was anxious to create a marketable fabric and have it produced for sale....wants...what??? A commission on anything crafted with that fabric and sold??? Phew.....it doesn't make sense. What do they expect to happen? That we would all pay to sit and stare at the fabric as one would in a museum? I can almost understand the sports logo type issue, but the rest is plain lunacy! If one makes a craft of their material that sells well at a flea market or specialty shop, then they will make more money because more fabric will be sold. Humph! I will definitely pay attention to the selvages on the fabric I buy from here on. I have yet to sell an item, but it just doesn't make sense. I respect the talent that goes into producing fabric designs, but when I part with my hard earned dollars to purchase said fabric, I feel that it then becomes mine to do with as I wish. By paying for the fabric, I am in essence paying the designer. Good Grief!
I agree with everything you said but still have trouble with the sports and disney materials. I still have disney material from years ago when they didn't have the restrictions. I can't make anything with it because my kids don't even care about disney anymore. My grandkids say "Minnie who?" Ohio State material used to be sold and I made stuff for my kids with it but now one can't even find it anywhere. They want you to buy their finished products. I don't want that so don't buy anything. Their loss I figure. Greed is a sad thing.
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