Thread: Fabric Sorting
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Old 11-22-2011, 02:13 PM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536

I have been working on sorting and refolding all my fabrics, and storing
them in plastic storage bins 58qt size (18x13x17). Anything UNDER 3
yards gets folded.

Separated by color, if fabrics are heavily multi-colored than
I put them into yet another bin. Everything OVER 3 yards is
put onto empty bolts I get from Joann's, Hobby Lobby and
any other store who is willing to let me have them. I also put
collection groups onto the bolts IF there is 2+ yards of each
I put them all together. If the collection group has LESS then
1-1/2 yards each I fold and put them into zipper plastic bags
1 gallon or the 2-1/2 gallon size depending on how much I

IF I have a pattern that I intend to use with fabric I purchased
even if it is not part of a group I put the pattern with the fabric.
I sometimes plan out quilt designs in EQ7 when I print the pattern
I make "notes" and make sure that it gets put with the fabrics and/or

All my "holiday" fabrics go into one bin EXCEPT Christmas
since there is so much of that it gets 2+ bins.

ALL my fat quarters are in 2 FULL bins and have a third bin
started. They are NOT separated in no particular way. ALL
my scraps are just a jumble of pieces in 6 FULL bins with #7
in the works.

Since I am not into crumb quilts I have not intension of using
all the scraps. I NEED to separate the scraps into the catagories
100% cotton, Flannel & unknown content.

Now if I could spend 1/4 of the time sewing that I do playing with
the fabric I might actually get some quilts made.

Quilty-Louise is offline