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Old 11-28-2011, 10:06 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: In God's Kingdom in Tennessee
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I am hand quilting a quilt now. I also hand pieced it, and it is so relaxing to me. I know that machine quilting is so much quicker, but I personally am not interested in quicker, but more interested in relaxing, and so for me it is hand quilting. I also like the thought that a person could have no money, and still if they have some material, a needle, thread, and a pair of scissors they can sew, and quilt. I also don't worry so much about perfection, but the enjoyment of what I make to use in my home, and what keeps my family warm, and pretty things to put on our walls, etc. Both of my grandmothers hand quilted, and hand embroidered (I hand embroider also), and one of my grandmothers made braided rugs by hand, and crocheted rugs using material, and the most unique of all was when she made braided small mat rugs out of plastic bags. She was so creative. My mom quilted by hand most of her life, and loved it, and was a master quilter. She also made us girls beautiful clothes. I only recently became interested, but have the fever bad now. lol.. Have a nice day everyone.
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