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Old 11-30-2011, 07:53 PM
Lori S
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Illinois
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Frequently the names of the judges are never revealed , as with so many competions there are those who will challenge a judge if they believe the judge/s made an error. Those compitions that the judges comment, very often the judge just uses a number tocomment ex: Judge 1 - binding lacks fullness ...and such. I have seen competitions where no comments are left , and the judging takes place in hours that are off of the regular show hours. Some give comments on all quilts entered with both good comments and areas for improvement.

Some competitions get a "reputation" for certain things ... I have seen one where if it was not tradtional ... don't bother... and others that "art" quilts are highly prized.

As for measuring quilting distance ... I have not seen it .. but that does not mean there isn't that one judge that does it. So much of it is soo... subjective and particular to a specific competition.. that there is no set standards. I have seen magnifying glasses used but not often.

I entered one competition with two quilts. One was by all quilters that saw it far superior to the other in just about every way, colors, difficulty , quilting, you name it .... and I won with the what many thought to be the lesser quilt. I was stunned! ... and I never got to ask anyone why one was considered best over the other. I was just told the judges thought that one was the best.... and never knew who the judges were or where they came from. This taught me just how subjective these things really are... .
I would love to see your quilt !

Last edited by Lori S; 11-30-2011 at 08:12 PM.
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