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Old 12-01-2011, 06:03 PM
hrtireladie11185's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: El Campo, TX
Posts: 51
Default I have corrupted my DH (or so he says)

For those of you who remember, this past 4th of July weekend, I got dh into quilting. Well, tonight, he says, "you're sorry. It's all your fault" and I am just laughing up a storm. I have to tell you why.

A couple of months ago, we ran into his friend and his friend's wife. As we were talking, it came up that dh started quilting. Well, little did we know, the friend's wife works at a local sewing factory. She suggested that dh apply at her work. Dh became interested until she mentioned that they work with sergers. Dh and I have no experience on a serger. We looked at a few sergers days and weeks later and decided not to invest.

This past Saturday I was looking in the newspaper for an ad that was supposed to run for a local organization I volunteer for the last 8 years. Lo and behold, there was an help want ad for a sewer at the sewing factory. I mentioned it to dh. He said he would go and check it out. Tuesday was his interview with a sewing test on 1 needle, 3 needle and 5 needle machines. He has never sewn on anything other than a small brother home sewing machine much less these huge commercial sewing machines. He did great!

And . . . . . .

Today was dh's first day of work at the sewing factory. He keeps stopping the tv as we are watching "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" to tell me, "You're sorry." "It's all your fault." "You corrupted me." "What other things are you going to get me into?" "You took my manliness away."

He enjoys it and likes the group of ladies he is working with in his department.

Thanks for letting me share.

btw - He has been a truck driver (local and over the road) for over 15 years.
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