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Old 08-07-2009, 01:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Quilting Aggi
During my time working in a quilt store we gave the customer the option of cut or rip. I do know that when the fabric is ripped, yes it does rip straight on a grain, but when you go home it seems like it is distorted and that there is the possibility of losing some fabric due to the fabric not being even.

I remember chatting with many fabric manufacturers at that time too when we were ordering fabrics. They told me that when the fabrics are wound up on the bolts, it is done with great speed that the grains are never straight and true. Therefore, if someone wishes to have their fabrics ripped, it is the better way to do it, but to keep in mind they may have to request an inch or two more than they need due to the distortion.

I find when fabrics are cut, they are off grain. When I need to get them back on grain I get a friend/mother, whomever is around to help me stretch the fabric til it is a better fit. This is what we do.

Take your fabric and fold it as though it were still on the bolt. Have one person stand at one end, and one at the other. Each person will hold the fabric so in one hand they have the folded edge of the 45" width and the other hand is holding the two selvages together. Make sure you are both standing away from each other to the length of the fabric. Carefully and gently each start with your right hand and give the fabric a little tug along the bias. Next do the same thing with your left hand only. Do this a couple times with each hand. By doing this you are helping the fabric get back on grain and will fold better when cutting. Sometimes the folded part of your fabric is so off grain it's difficult to keep it straight for cutting.

I hope this helps answer why some prefer ripping over cutting.

Thanks QA, that was a much better explanation of the straigtening process. I was thinking, "You just gotta be there." :lol:
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