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Old 12-09-2011, 05:41 AM
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Boca Raton, FL
Posts: 93

Originally Posted by ptquilts View Post
Well I may be the wrong person to ask but I am wondering why not Etsy? I have heard of Etsy (for years) and am a member. I have just barely heard of Artfire. But like I say I may be the wrong person to ask, I don't get around much.

I do know I see Etsy mentioned a LOT in home decor magazines. I joined several years ago and was not impressed. I started again this year and am doing better. I joined a lot of circles, and favorited a lot of items, that seems to work for some reason but I don't know why.
A few times people put one of my items in a Treasury and then it sells.

I used to do craft fairs many years ago, they were hit or miss. Both kinds, the small cheapo $25 for a table, and the large, juried, $150 for a booth. Like Mary O said, small items do better than large. But have your best items there, large or small, and cards with your info for people to take. Good luck.
I mostly decided with Artfire because it just one monthly fee. They don't take your items off after 4 months and don't charge any extra fees except the monthly payment. They also have a set up where I can create a page on Facebook and sell through there.
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