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Old 12-12-2011, 12:27 PM
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Hey there Kelly,
I have been quilting for a while. I make about 14 to 20 quilts a year, some for our family, some for charity and some for presents. As a quilter with hind site, I would NEVER attempt to quilt on a home machine anything bigger than a full size. I have done a couple queen quilts and believe it or not a california king. The king quilt was a night mare. We had it rolled up so tight and binding clip. I was running the machine and my wife was pulling it from the other end. NEVER AGAIN. Then when I joined the board I started to read about longarm quilters who would do quilts ofr others. I took the time and investigated and check TOTAL prices and found a couple longarm quilters that were not only unbelievable quilters but had great prices. Take the time and do the research. Some other tips might be watch the fabric costs - shop for buys and discounts (with out comprimising the quality). I always check my local quilt shop for sales and then also on line sales, but always check the shipping costs. Here on the board they have fabric sales from board memebers and you can find outrageous sales, but you have to log on when the new day ads come up as there are lots of hungry fabric shoppers that get up early just to view the fabric sales.
I hope this helps you can PM me anytime if you have anyother questions.
All the best
Originally Posted by KellyAustin View Post
Hi all, I'm new here! My wife is just getting into quilting and she is trying to find some advice.

She finished the applique and front patterns on her first quilt (queen size) and it looks really great. She bought the batting and the fabric for the back.

She decided to pay someone to quilt it together into the final product. She was quoted $170. Now it is finished and the final amount was adjusted to $200 because the binding had to be done by hand.

This seems very expensive to me, considering all of her materials were about $100. So I have a few questions:

Do many quilters (beginners) pay someone else to assemble the quilt?
Is $170-$200 a normal price for this service?
How hard is it to put together the front, back, and battling without a quilting machine? Can it be done with a regular sewing machine like she uses to assemble the front pattern?

Thank you for your advice.
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