Old 12-16-2011, 09:01 AM
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Location: Long Island, NY
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Originally Posted by brenda21 View Post
Ok, I'm back to play on a more frequent basis for a little while....got "let go" from work yesterday....the swine that I worked for was tired of me telling him that he needed to stop making innuendos to all of the young girls that work there...also told him that even though he was the business owner, he needed to stay off of certain websites when using the computer at my desk and go to those sites on his own computer...he told me I was uptight, middle aged and needed to go...will be go"ing" straight to unemployment office and a few other places about him....and if it's not bad enough that he acts this way....the business he owns is a childcare center!! ok, Thanks for letting me vent QB buddies
Sounds like you have a verrrrry lucrative lawsuit in the making.
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