Thread: Roaming Rounds
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Old 12-16-2011, 03:58 PM
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Hi Ladies,

Seems we must all be busy busy with Christmas Holiday preps. I was although now am busy preparing for a funeral next week which one of the groups I belong to in our community is catering for. Not what I had planned on doing but there you go, the best laid plans of men and mice (or something like that)?

Am no where near prepared for Christmas which means I will be running around in a flap after next Wednesday for sure. Have not even completed my Christmas projects in relation to gifts I had intended giving this year. Oh well there is always next year and I may just be saying come January - I have a head start.

How are all these centres coming along at the moment or are we all in limbo while we concentrate on the comming holidays? I am certainly at a stand still although I have bought the material I had in mind for the centre in hand so I can get right to work on it in the New Year.

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