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Old 12-19-2011, 07:04 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: New York
Posts: 463

I bought fabric in the 50's but only when I had a project for it...In the 70's I started buying with a a quilt not really in the
picture but took a college course in quilting and I got really hooked but then I went to work and only made a quilt as I
had the time. Then it started. Then it came in the 80's I really got into quilting and fabric started piling up---just because I liked it. Now I am in my 70's and will never use all that wonderful fabric. My daughter can't believe how much fabric I have. Had to put it all in bins as I will have work done in the basement. My one daughter said "I told you so" so we are
probably going to have a garage, fabric sale in the spring. I think I could almost open a store with all that fabric.
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