Thread: Roaming Rounds
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Old 12-19-2011, 12:01 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Arkansas by way of Mississippi
Posts: 381

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays which ever you like best!!! I am not done with Christmas gifts either...I think I bite off more than I can chew, but will keep on keeping on and see how far I get. My husband and I have 8 grown children between the two of us...He has 5...4 girls and 1 boy...I have 3 boys all grown and we have 12 grandchildren all together. I have made quilts or throws for all of mine this year and 2 of his. Last count I had completed 18 since the middle of May so I am staying quite keep in mind this does not include all the 44 baby quilts or the 5 quilts for my sister-in-law to give to her grandchildren...table runners...wall hangings or blocks, rows, borders etc for the board. AND I work full time. Don't know where I find the time, but we all do what we want to do...I will burn some midnight oil as well getting things finished, but I will get there. We will have Christmas dinner at our house this year at least 3 times...since all the family can not get there at the same time and yes I do all the husband does smoke the ham, but other than that I do it all PLUS his idea of decorating is taking a two foot tree out of a bag and sitting it on the table. Every room in my house will be decorated. At last count I will put up 7 trees! The bad part about all of this is my DH could care less so it is not as much fun as it would be if he liked it as much as I do and would help even just a little bit.

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and enjoys their family and ALWAYS remember the reason for the season and try to take that wonderful warm feeling with you throughout the whole year.

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