Thread: Roaming Rounds
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Old 12-19-2011, 03:09 PM
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Oh my Goodness Kay! you are a busy lass. I think I am busy now however am sure that I was even busier when I worked full time and the kids were little tykes as I felt a need to be 'superwoman" ! I am sure all mothers feel this over whelming need to be everywhere and everything to everyone ( I know I sure did) and on top of this there was just so much that I myself wanted to do. Of course being organized was the key to this flurry of activity and now for some reason I am not quite as organized as I used to be since retiring. Oh well, I get there in the end.

I love Christmas, it is my favourite time of the year next to Spring. I particularly love to decorate the house and the tree, make lots of goodies/treats for family, friends and just to share etc. so I am in awe of your 7 tree's oh my goodness! if I but had one. Our tree along with all the decorations remain packed somewhere in the deep dark recesses of the shed however next Christmas I shall be in my house and unpacked so with any luck I will be joining you in the decoration stakes. Like your DH mine is not as into it so I usually do most of it although he will help by putting up the things that I can not reach, particularly now that I have limited use of one arm. I am lucky as well in that our DD still lives at home and I know she will help me if I ask her to.

I was already feeling tired Kay, now I am feeling much more so having read what you have been up to and are about to be up to. Enjoy your dinners with the families, great fun. By the way, don't forget we want to see pictures of your new sewing shop. I like the name "Kay's Haven" if that helps.

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