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Old 08-10-2009, 01:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Marcia
So.....with that said---how did you do the pony blocks? Did you draw them on and paint them? are they machine embroidered? are they a panel? Inquiring minds need to know!!

Thanks Marcia!!

Actually, other than be a bit time consuming it's a really easy technique to use. I found an inexpensive MLP coloring book at Dollar General. Selected the pages I wanted to make into blocks. Researched online and in my 2 little one's MLP story books to make sure I colored the ponies the right colors. Traced around the coloring book pic with a hot iron transfer pencil. Washed and dried my white fabric in just vinegar water (any soap/softener residue or sizing will hinder the crayons from working). Ironed the white fabric onto freezer paper for stability. Then I ironed the coloring page/transfers onto the fabric. Color them with Crayola Crayons (don't use off brands or the "gel" and "metallic" crayolas, they run horribly!! I learned this the hard way). Get a BIG BOX of crayons, you'll need the color choices they have, and color a bit darker than you would like the picture to be, you'll lose some color during the next two steps. After they are an old cloth on your ironing board...cover with several layers of paper towels, then the colored block, then several more layers of paper towels. Press the wax (NOT IRON PRESS!!) replacing the paper towels until no color irons off the block. Then I used a pigma pen to outline the colored areas (black) and fabric markers to do the little tiny details, like the scroll and hearts on some of the ponies. When you're all done ironing out the wax, you swish them up and down don't ring or agitate them! in a bowl of very warm water, and mild soap. Rinse them in cool water until all the soap is gone. Roll them in a towel to remove the extra water and press them dry. After they cool from the pressing I used Tulip dimensional Glitter paint to highlight some of the picture. Wings, flowers, Unicorn Horns...just touches of it here and there. Voila, the blocks are all done and ready to be put into a quilt!

Have fun!!
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