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Old 08-10-2009, 02:09 PM
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you haven't lost your mind. there was a tutorial about that technique. some snooty-pants saw the post, wrote the member a really nasty email, tried to claim the technique as hers alone and threatened to sue her. the person who posted it asked me to delete it.

well, i don't know who snooty-pants thinks she is but she's full of beans. still, i deleted it so the accused member could relax. i replaced it with one of my own that uses a similar technique that many of us think is a whole lot better anyway.

like the first one, it will result in chopped off points but - hey! - isn't it great when you can look at them in a block and know they're supposed to be that way? what a stress reliever!

anyhoo, here's the link to the alternate method: Spanish Butterflies in My Pineapple Shampoo

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