Old 12-23-2011, 06:21 AM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 13

I had my tonsils out when I was 5 and it was gruesome in the extreme. The pain never seemed to end. The adults had told me it wouldn't hurt and that I could have all the ice cream I wanted afterward. I wanted none. What I learned from that experience was that all adults will lie.

The only reason to have tonsils out is necrotic tissue. Short of that deal with it. Children need to be taken to the doctor and given antibiotics not made to tough it out resulting in necrotic tissue.

Where do people get the idea that children (or newborns) feel less pain than adults? Where does this idea come from?

Sorry for being off topic but I'd like my voice heard on this subject in counterpoint to the rosey previously expressed opinions. 61 years later and the pain is still vivid. The betrayal sharply remembered.
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