Old 12-23-2011, 09:13 AM
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Mesquite, TX
Posts: 14
Default Had my first experience with the "Quilt Police"

I was visiting my LQS the other day. I hadn't been in there in quite a while. I was looking around and the service rep. came and asked if she could help me. I said not really since I don't know what all I want and it will probably be alot since I hadnt purchased anything in a while.

I was talking to her and telling her I was in the process of completing my 1st full size quilt. I am doing it in a QAYG process. I was telling her how I had started using Sharon Schamber's method of using elmer's glue with the fine metal tip attached and set with the iron instead of pinning (which usually results in me stabbing myself 14 times. It also stabilized it much more for me. For a beginner quilter and sewist this is VERY important. I guess it took a minute to register what I said because she asked me again what I was doing and where I learned this. I told her again and she got this horrified look on her face like I had just told her I was making my quilt with my own feet! Then asked who Sharon Shamber was. I thought this odd but ok. She also said "I would NEVER do that to one of MY quilts". This is fine since I believe we all find what works for us and use it. I know people have firm beliefs on things in quilting. For HER that works.

I told her "Well since MY quilts arent exactly masterpieces or even worthy of a competition yet, but more about passing on a part of me to my family. However, I feel confident that there are much less qualified people I could learn techinques from than a Master Quilter that wins almost any competition she enters! Glue AND ALL!!!" lol. I also use spray basting too!!! OMG!!! lol...

It was funny and I think she got how she came across because she backed up and repeated what I had said about finding what works for you and using it. I told her she should really look up who Sharon Schamber is since she is a highly renowned quilter.
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