Old 12-23-2011, 12:37 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Hartford, Mo
Posts: 5,783

Hey, ladies, I am NOT done with FWQ, still working with slashing and sewing it together...and trying to make big decisions of how its going to be quilted....by hand or machine. I do have all 142 blocks done for the king size and its on the visual board in a hallway outside my quilting room. Its just 18 months into the project, and I would rather not rush it too much.

January, I will start the FWSPC with the group; it sounds like one a week block, and that might work out. Yes , I have a ton of projects going on and to finish, so what is one more...but to have fun with it. If you really want something done right, just ask a busy person never the one who has a clean desk or sewing room. But I am NOT promising anyone on keeping up with the pace of the times... or, ah, the block of the week.

So I will use the slow cooker a little more or pre-fix meals just to microwave. Enjoy the moment; time flys on by much too fast in life. We promised ourselves to enjoy retirement, every miniute counts. Love, laugh & enjoy the smell of the roses with family & friends.
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