Old 12-24-2011, 01:24 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Tampa, FL
Posts: 544

I think you should change it and be happy with your work. But here is another solution-I had a wall quilt I slaved over, 100's of pieces, searched high and low for just the right fabrics etc. Almost had it quilted when I noticed a block was turned wrong. So mad at myself did not finish it for 3 years. Then had a wedding come up and the colors were perfect, the design significant to the groom. So I finished it. Put a note on the mistake saying the Amish put a mistake in their quilts to remind themselves no one but God is perfect and remembering that will keep a marriage in good stead. That quilt is proudly displayed in the entrance of their home now and they must boast about the mistake because I have had many mutual friends compliment me on the fabulous meaningful quilt I made. Lemonade!
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