Old 08-11-2009, 06:51 AM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 19

Okay, here goes. I'm starting with a pattern using sashings.
Take the first block. Add sashing strip to left side of block. Sew corner block to second sashing strip and sew these to top of block and side sashing. This will be the top left block of your quilt.

Cut batting 1/2 inch larger than block with sashings. Cut backing 2 inches larger. Place backing, wrong side up, on table. Place batting on top of backing, lining up top and left edges. Place block with sashings on top, lining up top and left edges. Pin or baste well along top and side edges to hold all three layers in place. Then base remainder of block. I base from top to bottom. I have occasionally used the sprayon basting but don't really like it. That's just me. No problems with it.

On this first block in the top row of your quilt, quilt as follows:
Starting with corner block, quilt from top to within 2 inches of bottom of block, 1/4 inch from sean along corner block and left side sashing. Then quilt along the other side of that seam, from top of block to within 2 inches of bottom.

Next quilt from left edge of block, in corner block, and quilt 1/4 inch from seam between top sashing and main block, to within 2 inches of right edge. Then quilt along the other side of that seam, starting at left edge and stopping 2 inches from right edge.

Then quilt all of the rest of the block as you desire. I generally just do quilting inside and outside each patch, both in pieced designs and in applique.

NOTE; If you're using a stencil for a specific quilting design on any patch, you need to use water soluble pen to trace it onto the block before beginning the quilting process. And if you're using alternating plain blocks, trace your quilting design on first. Your plain blocks can be quilted the same way. Add sashings at the left edge, corner block and sashing at the top and then just quilt the top sashing on both sides of the seam from 2 inches on the left edge to 2 inches on the right edge, and the side sashing from the top edge of the sashing to within 2 inches of the bottom edge. Do not quilt in the corner block yet. Then quilt the central marked design and leave the edges until the block is joined on both sides to other blocks.

Okay, so now you have your first block, quilted to within 2 inches of right and bottom edges. To join, let's use that plain block. Place the right sides together, right edge of first block to left edge of second block. Once those are sewin together, spread out the two blocks, right side down.
Trim batting so there is no overlapping. You should have an overlap of backing of about two inches on each side. This will probably be a little less because the batting and block will have spread out as you quilt.
Trim down to 1/2 inch on one of the sides. It all depends on how you are more comfortable quilting. I trim off the right side (as it faces me) and then I lay the left side over that and determine how much I can trim off there. I need about 3/4 inches to turn under and pin in place. I then blind stitch the left side over the right side. Then I turn the two blocks over, pin everything in place and quilt those edges beween the blocks that have not been quilted yet. I do not quilt on the right edges of the plain (or pieced) block.

The telephone company is outside working, so I may lose my phone connection any time. It's been going on for nearly a week. Dial tone comes and goes.

I will continue this later with details on the blocks in the inside of the quilt,
I will also show how I've gone to quilting a whole row at a time, which cuts out a lot of the work involved because it cuts out the back seams between blocks.
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