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Old 12-27-2011, 06:22 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Lancaster, SC
Posts: 349

I have to say that this year was a very hard Christmas for me. I had surgery for colon cancer on Nov. 1. Lucky me. Some time between recovery and a few days later (you know - when you are still groggy and everything is like a dream) I woke and saw a fog moving out of my vision. Then I saw footprints in sand and I felt God carrying me. I actually felt his arms around me. I breathed a sigh of relief and went back to sleep. Now some of you may be saying -- she's crazy -- but I promise you this happened. They removed about a foot of my colon and told me I was a very lucky woman because they got it all. My doctor recommended Chemo for precaution and I have had 2 rounds. The hard part is the first two days after I am very nauseated and don't feel like doing anything. So the 23rd. and 24th. were the pits. Bad part - My Christmas is on the 24th. Beginning with breakfast for about 25 kids, spouses, grands, and great grands. My children did all the cooking and all the cleaning. All that was left for me to do was enjoy. After breakfast I slept the rest of the day. I love Christmas and feel very fortunate to be able to say even with my ups and downs I am already looking forward to next year when I will be healthy. I am sad because for the first time since my Mom died 2 yrs ago I did not even go to her grave or place flowers there. Now that I am back to normal until the next treatment I plan on going tomorrow. I thank God for every day I have and for every child, and grandchild that I have. I have never felt so loved in my life. God is good!!!!! Haven't even had my sewing machine out for 6 months but hope to get started sewing again soon. Love reading all the comments and love looking at all the projects. Keep them coming it truly is a pleasure I enjoy.
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