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Old 12-28-2011, 08:12 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Bursa, Turkey
Posts: 89

Originally Posted by jodyma View Post
I hate to not "vent" but this has been one of our best Christmass' ever. Several years ago, our family-son, dil, daughter, sil decided we had had enough with all the commercialism(sp). We stopped giving gifts, stopped with hurt feelings when one gave a gift more expensive than the other, etc. Now my daughter, sil, grandson, husband, myself do a special event. This year we went to a musical and had lunch together(son lives out of town.) We also went to chuch on Christmas Eve for a candlelight service. We still buy the grandson a gift-he is only 10. We had Christmas dinner together that my daughter and I prepared. I had gotten to the point I dreaded Christmas from one season to the next, but this one was great.
A perfect example of "Less is more"!!! Good for all of you!
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