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Old 12-29-2011, 07:23 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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I think out of respect for all the work and energy put into making me a quilt - regardless if it "my color scheme" or if it "tickled my fancy" - I'd say thankyou for it and show appreciation toward the person who made it - they made it with love for you - not for the heck of it - I"m positive of that - so regardless of how it is, like another post before this - put it between two blankets to keep you warm, or use it on a guest bed the same way - if you really can not stand it on your bed, guests can't be choosy when they visit - and who knows, they might just love it!!! I just would never let the quilter know I did not like it; show enthusiasm and gratitude and then when you have your gifted quilt all to yourself, begin the wonder of how you'll use it - or where you'll put it - but NEVER NEVER show disappointment to a gift that has costed the person $, let alone time and energy to make it and obviously thought you'd like it - it is not worth putting that person through the hurt of knowing it was not to your taste. More than likely, it will be the only quilt you'll ever receive from them, so suck it up and grin and bear it! Life is not so important that all has to be all one way - it can bend a little too.
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