Thread: Oil of Oregano
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Old 12-29-2011, 11:54 AM
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Default Oil of Oregano

I think I mentioned this oil when I was doing some house work and my hip was hurting. I put some of this oil on it and the pain was gone and it still continues to work for me when I have any little ache from knitting or etc.

Here is something new I discovered. My little dog Teddy, has been plagued with yeast infections on his skin and his feet and he would break out in sores and his mouth would get red and his ears would be all yeast. He would be able to hold out with care until March of each year, as I would use the special shampoo and anti-biotics from the vet.

The vet said that he was alergic to whatever blooms and I get the sneezing too. Anyway, he was breaking out in these sores again this month. I decided to bath him and then take a few drops of the oil and delute it in warm water and just pour it over him. In three days I repeated it as they look better. I did it another time and today when I bath him, I found no sores at all and his skin looked so clean.

A small little bottle of this stuff cost 26.00 at the Herb shop but it is so worth it for him not to take the Anti-biotics and not to mention 125.00 for the trip to the vet.

I did a major research on this product from the herbalists reports. The FDA says that a blind study had not been done on this and that there is no proof that it works. Well, I say try it like I did and it does work and it doesn't harm you.

If you are inclined to try it, do buy it from a reputable source, preferable an Herb company. Read about it. It should be mixed with Virgin Olive oil and have the highest percent of the extract for the oregano.

Nature's Sunshine is a good source to buy it from.

Last edited by Rosyhf; 12-29-2011 at 11:57 AM.
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