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Old 12-29-2011, 03:23 PM
Grandma Purple
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Columbia, Maryland
Posts: 1
Talking underappreciated gift--

I agree with the members who suggested to refrain from creating more items for the people who had diminished reaction to gifts which obviously took considerable time, effort and money. I have been in their position= and it is hard for me to refrain from repeating my efforts.

While it would not be my first choice- - for "icky" gifts- - remember that Hospice do want quilts, as does homeless shelters, members of our armed service stationed far from home and for those so inclined, pet rescue facilities. Yes, I cringe at the last thought for the items I have made for a lady but at least they would be put to use. Some communities who prepare "backpacs"for children in need as well .
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