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Old 12-29-2011, 09:34 PM
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Years ago, my mom made a quilt top for me. She did not have the money to have it hand quilted and she told me she would like to give the top to me if I would pay to have it quilted. Site unseen, I paid to have it hand quilted and she finished it. It was hand embroidered quilt squares and then pieced into a king size quilt. It did not match anything in my home. For years, it stayed in a bag in the top of a spare bedroom closet. About 10 years after she passed away, I was cleaning out the closet and came across the bag in the top. I actually had forgotten she had made it. I cannot tell you how beautiful it looked to me that day. I had started quilting by then and I realized how much work she had put into the quilt. I think it also was the sentimental part of it that she was no longer here.

Sometimes if the quilt is not exactly what we would have chosen ourselves, it takes a little time to realize the value and preciousness of having the quilt gift. When I give a quilt, if the person did not look really happy to have received it, I would probably tell them "If you don't like it, give it back to me and we can choose something else for you." I have never had anyone not gush over a quilt I have made for them and I am not that great a quilter. I have had two people to tear up when I gave them a quilt. However, I don't give a quilt to anyone who has not admired my quilts and acted like they really wanted a quilt of their own...the exception, baby quilts. Just my nickels worth on the subject.
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