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Old 12-30-2011, 08:06 AM
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Originally Posted by wendiq
I need some help please. I don't know how to "subscribe" to this topic. I definitely want to take part in this BOW, but I don't get any messages so that I can keep up with all of you.
Thank you, in advance, for help here....


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Trotting back into this PC thread .....

Howdyyyyyy Y'All
.... Do hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and holiday season. And that you are now looking forward to 2012 with many pleasant surprises in store. Particularly, the Pony Club!!

No! I haven't abandoned y'all! Just have been busy with Christmas and UFOs and FWS and and and and ..... On the FWS front, I think I have 79 or 80 of the 111 done. Looks like my self imposed year end pre-PC deadline won't be met, though I am pleased to be as far on as I can. For the first while, I'll be focusing more on FWS as I really want to get those blocks done. I think my brain my get fried if it tries to handle both at the same time. Not to worry, I'll still try to get my 2-PCs done weekly.

And because I was bored (kidding!!!), the other day I sorted all my fabrics into colour groups, Christmas, seasonal, florals, and of course, Pony Club contenders!! I SO wanted that job done for a long time and definitely before PC started. So now, I'm somewhat ready to saddle up. However, I really do need to get them back into bins and stacked away, so I can find my sewing room floor!!!!

yeeehaaawwww ..... four more sleeps!!!!!!!!!!
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