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Old 12-30-2011, 08:13 AM
Grace MooreLinker
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Originally Posted by IAmCatOwned View Post
I think you are just being reactionary. It will pass. I AGREE with you in part. We stopped exchanging gifts when my youngest sibling was 18 and out of high school. Only children in the extended family receive any kind of gift. We do more for each other during the rest of the year (I don't work well to deadlines). However, homemade food or sewn gifts are welcome by everybody except one.

I think it's a fine thing to teach your granddaughter sewing skills. But, lets remember she still deserves to get some new things, even packaged in plastic!

As far as the retreats, if you get little value from them, then pick the ones that you particularly enjoy. I never went on retreats due to health problems. I feel a bit of an outsider (and very envious) since nearly every other quilter I know goes to them. But, that's the way it is.
I have never gone to one of the quilters retreats, reason guess I just like the comforts of home more. Plus dranging all the stuffff in and out not for me. I tell my kids that may make me BUH HUM BUG but that's just me. worked to many years to want to roam, like being with my DH better. I like to make gifts and give all during the year my self also.
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