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Old 01-02-2012, 10:48 AM
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Charisma - this is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome. I just love it, and I love the idea of putting names on the stockings, very cool.

Originally Posted by charismah View Post
HI Friends!

Well in the last couple of days I have been slowly but surely working on a little Christmas quilt for myself. I did accomplish 2 customer quilts ( maybe it was 3) while working on this. I don't want anyone to think I am neglecting work to do my own is certainly not the case.

But When I saw this pattern ( book) at a quilt show last fall I just had to have it. Mine looks WAY different than the book. I tried to find it this morning so I could give you all the name of the book..but I think I loaned it out. It's Called “tis the season” I think?”

Anyway.....the original quilt was a bit smaller...and only used 4 stockings....I made mine bigger to accommodate 8 stockings. There is 8 people in my family. This will hang in my entryway at Christmas Time...( I think)

Anyway I changed the holly vines from an appliqued fabric string to chenille strips to give it some dimension.
I love the charm blocks on top of the stockings it says “Christ*mas”
I quilted tine swirls in the border around all the designs to make them pop out.

Then in all the lower charms I did some ruler work....snowflakes...continuous curves and loopies in the outer border to frame it in. I kind of doubted myself and wondered if I could have added more quilting in the squares without make the snowflakes stand out a bit more....maybe next time?

Regardless..I love it! I am so glad I will have it for next year. I made this one a bit modern Christmas...I love traditional and it's hard for me to I just mix it all up! Somehow it always works out.

I may write my family's initials in the stocks...I haven't decided.

I hope you all had a blessed Christmas! I am so thankful I will have this one for 2012!

*** I am having issues...I rotate the pics but they don't transfer over on to teh QB rotated..they do every where else? SO I am not sure what happenes?

I also wanted to say I used two types of batting.
One layer of dream grean and a layer of polydown.

Thanks so much.
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