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Old 01-02-2012, 01:43 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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I've spent all last evening "unsewing" the 9patch blocks made by 5 middle school girls I am working with on a Quilts of Valor quilt. We are using the machines at the school I work at and they are OLD, cruddy Berninas that have seen too much hard use and the plate is on a free arm recessed into the cabinet--great if we were doing set in sleeves, not great with quilts! As a result the girls have had a TERRIBLE time getting 1/4" seams. I brought it home over break and ended up unsewing all 10 blocks and fixing so that we'd stand a chance of getting them into a quilt. Then this morning I worked on the 9 patches--have all 10 fixed and cut the blocks for the snowball blocks they are alternating them with. Hopefully they can do a better job with seams on those! Then I spent a large part of the afternoon cutting on a star quilt kit I got on sale last year. For some reason I am stalling on getting back to MY bargello. Also have 2 baby quilts staring me in the face--one can wait but the other is a this month project. And what I really plan to do is buy some fabric for a whole cloth lap quilt or two and get back to the machine quilter shop where I took a long arm lesson after Christmas. I want to rent some time on it for that baby quilt, but need to do some practice first, so plan to use a whole cloth and get going on it in next week or so!
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