Old 01-02-2012, 03:42 PM
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 2,893

Originally Posted by #1piecemaker View Post
I'm going to follow this thread because I am going to be purchasing one soon and I'm just like you, I don't have a clue. I did play with a Nolte at a quilt show last year and it was fabulous!! I am going to check out a Gammill before long. We are so far from any dealer that I'm worried about making the wrong choice in case something goes wrong. So, I want the best and I want some instruction. Good luck!!!
I see you had a chance to play with a Nolting? I have one, the Fun Quilter, and love it. I also have the Side Saddle computer system with it.

The Noltings are made in the USA. Gammill used to be made by the same company as the Nolting, but moved its manufacturing over seas.

The reps for Notling are very helpful - at the shows, in person and on the phone. I was able to have ours delivered, set up and brief lesson on how to operate it by our rep.

Things to look for ---- stitch regulator, a frame that fits your space and the size quilts you want to be able to longarm. I have the 12 foot table. I also have hydraulics on mine so it is easy to move it if I want or need to.

The Side Saddle computer system is easy to learn and to use. It is easy to attach to the LA and to disconnect it so I can do computerize designs and free motion easily on the same quilt.

If you have any questions send me a PM or contact me via email.

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