Old 01-06-2012, 01:00 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2011
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Default What I do when I am not quilting...humoring friends.

I recently texted a friend asking what her favorite "Spirits" were, as she has mentioned several times that she 'drinks' a lot. That question had her and her husband puzzled so he wanted to know 'why? is she making a voodoo doll of you?" Since I thought this was funny when she told me the story, I couldn't resist in making her a little 'voodoo' doll, complete with pins.
This friend is literally terrified of mice and hates them with a passion. Everyone here at works likes to tease her with mice. One printed a picture and hung it on her bulletin board so she could see it all day. One put one on her computer desktop. One even went through the trouble of making a fake mouse, luring her away from her desk, conning her back to her desk and asking her to get a book out of a 'specific' drawer, all while video taping (with his cell phone) her reaction to finding this mouse. She screamed and jumped 3 feet out of her chair. I didn't get to see the actual response from my office but the video was quite comical. She even laughs at it now. She's a good sport.
So it was my turn to get her with a mouse. I added a little more humor to her voodoo doll, by attaching a small mouse with the pink pin of death in it. She loved that the pink pin was in the mouse and not in her. LOL!!
Another small detail in this story came when making it, after getting it stuffed and while working on stitching up the back where I stuffed it from, my 12 yr old son asks .... "well, if its a girl doll, where are its boobs?" My husband and I stopped in our tracks and couldn't help but laugh because this came from the quiet shy son whom we wouldn't never expected that comment to come from. But with that said, I did add a little extra padding up front prior to closing her up. It made it all the more interesting when trying to explain to my friend how her little voodoo doll came about.
Just wanted to share how I spend some my time when I am not quilting. I've gotta admit though, I really like how this little doll turned out.

Last edited by fatsewcat; 10-05-2022 at 09:09 AM.
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