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Old 01-06-2012, 07:46 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Ohio, USA
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Recently received blocks from janecat and Ncquilter. Thank you ladies! I'll try to post pictures later, but currently my camera cord is packed for vacation. We are heading south for 3 weeks starting tomorrow. Fear not though, I am taking a sewing machine and your fabric. Each fabric is in a zip lock bag with fabric from my stash to make your block. This is more a "let's not be in the north in January" vacation than "we are going to do so many things" type of vacation. Also, today blocks went out to: Havplenty, JoyceD, KerriV42, Lillie, ljdugas31, Ncquilter, OK Darla, Rn8or, Sandynorm, and shaysmema. They are posted under Boom6Autumn if you want to peek.

So, while I will send you your blocks, I will not be able to let you know if I have received the ones you send to me. My son will be collecting our mail, but that is about all he will do with it. And, I also do no know how often I will have internet access, but I'm sure I'll survive.
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