Old 01-09-2012, 03:07 PM
KS quilter
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 282

I hand quilt 99% of mine. That's the part I like to do best. I did have two mahine quilted a few
years ago. Had 3 teenage grandauters (all in same family) that wanted patriotic {queen size) quilts for Christmas. I got
them done and handquilted each one, but go so far behind with other things I did have a couple
of quilts made out of homespun done by the long-arm quilter. Homespun is very difficult to me
to mark it for quilting...so it just seemed right at the time to let the long-arm quilter do the 2.
I did try to quilt..straight lines..on my regular machine yr or so ago. It was a disaster...so I
won't try that again. It just didn't look good to me.
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