Old 08-15-2009, 02:50 PM
Haleiwahulagirl's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Hawaii
Posts: 14


Survey Monkey is a site that allows anyone to create their own surveys for polling purposes. Companies may use this tool as well as individuals, like me, who need it for thesis research. I have created a study and Survey Monkey creates a link for me, which I post for those who are interested, and then the data is collected nicely for me to read over and report in my thesis project.

It is true that I have recently joined this exciting message board, but as you can see on the introduction page, I presented myself as someone who has been teaching myself to hand-stitch Hawaiian quilts and pillows, hence my interest in writing a thesis regarding the therapeutic properties of quilting. However, my own opinion is not enough data to back an entire research project, so I am collecting valuable feedback from the lovely quilters on this forum, if they choose to participate. I hope this answers your concerns.
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