Thread: Funky Folds?
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Old 01-13-2012, 11:59 AM
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Default Funky Folds?

Howdy y'all :c)

Recently I picked up many, many yards of fabric some notions, and even a sewing machine at an estate sale. I petted the fabrics and loved them, then stored them in tubs to be used when needed. The past week I've been working on revamping my sewing room. So I got some of the acid-free comic book boards to wrap fabric around so I could put it all on the new bookshelves I bought. As I was wrapping all of my fabrics around the boards, I came to the fabric I had bought at this estate sale. Now keep in mind that some of these pieces of fabrics were between 6 and 10 yards long. As I tried to get them folded appropriately to wrap them around the boards, I saw that for some reason, every one of the pieces from that particular sale had been unfolded, then refolded so that the raw edges were together rather than the selvedges! Now tell me.....why on earh would a person DO that?!?!? It has been SUCH a big job to try to refold these huge pieces of fabric by myself. I just can't fathom why anyone would think this is a good idea!

On another note, can anyone explain to me why some fabrics you buy at the quilt shops are folded selvedge to selvedge, but wrong-side out? I know it's fairly common with some batiks, but I have 3 fabrics that I found while wrapping around the boards that weren't batiks that were folded this way. Two of them were Christmas fabrics, and one was one that I bought at Hancock's at one point that was drop-dead gorgeous, but once I got it home I found out it was even MORE gorgeous that I had originally thought when I bought it! Is there a reason for doing this that I haven't learned about yet? Teach me oh knowledgeable ones!!! ;-)

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