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Old 01-14-2012, 10:33 AM
Lee in Richmond
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Richmond, VA
Posts: 601

Originally Posted by beadywoman
I would have to say that right now my "Mainest" pet peeve is having to share my sewing room with my 22-year-old son. On Friday evenings I really look forward to coming home and disappearing into my sewing room. But since August when DS decided to commute to college, I get home to a horrible mess in my sewing room. So first I have to clean up at least a 12 pack of empty Coke Zero cans, throw away his spit cups, clean all of his paperwork, ear buds, cell phone parts, hair bands, etc. off of my ironing board, clean ashes off of my cutting table, return the hot sauce and dirty dishes to the kitchen, pick up his dirty clothes and the million pairs of socks he has borrowed from his dad, stow his laptop, cds, and various papers, roll his weights under the table, and move any number of other items to uncover my tables. By the time I've got all of this done, my sewing haven has become a sewing hell because I'm so stressed out and upset. And I usually STILL manage to get a sock stuck in the wheel of my sewing chair! LOL

And he's a really good-natured kid that runs to the LQS for me on a regular basis, never batting an eye at the really wierd notes I write to the shop ladies about how cute he is, etc. But we've had the "keep my sewing room neat" conversation so many times now!

And on Saturdays, since he works nights, I can never get in there until 2 or 3 pm. YUCK! That means I SHOULD clean, but I don't - I read quilting blogs!

My other pet peeve is when I pick out fabric and the shop lady brings 4 other quilters over to tell me why I shouldn't use what I've chosen. Granted, I am a newbie quilter, but my color tastes are not like theirs. I always bow to their experience because by the time they finish with their complaints about my choices, I am so embarassed that I'm wishing the floor would open up and swallow me. This ALWAYS happens at one of the two stores in my area - I now very seldom go there.
Wow, this pushes so many buttons that I don't know where to start! I do hope you get some stress relief somewhere.
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