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Old 01-14-2012, 07:42 PM
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Default Empty nester

Well, I've been there done that and just about the time I figured out that it was a pretty dang good thing I moved my Mom in. Then about 6 months later I moved her brother (my uncle) in too. Both of them had houses that needed more work really than $$$ available. There were other reasons too, but the best solution for them was to move in with us.

Wow, I really really was enjoying the lower work load, the cheaper utility bills, being able to just run to town and grab a meal out instead of cooking all the time. I realized how much more "free" time I had to work on sewing, quilting, geneagloy, etc... Now anything that requires concentration is on the back burner.

Mom complains all the time about how bad her arthritis is and how she hurts, and yet seems to work circles around me.

My best advice: Don't worry about tomorrow, enjoy today. Try to exercise as much as you can, you'll be surprised how much it will help with pain. (Belive me I know, I have RA and OA.) Water exercise if you can do that is super fantastic for the body, a good stress reliever, and easier on the joints.

If you do end up with an empty nest, think of all the things you've wanted to do and couldn't for so long!

Hugs, and best wishes!
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