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Old 01-15-2012, 06:18 AM
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Default Ever have a day like this?

Yesterday when I got off work decided to make tortilla soup ( a co worker's mom gave us all the recipe) checked the cupboards to see what i need for it then when grocery shopping. Came home start making it and went to put the cream of chicken soup in and realized i had chicken broth instead! GRRRRR! i live at least 7 miles from the nearest grocery store. So i called my neighbor - she wasn't home. Went back to the store and grabbed a can as well as some potato chips for husband (had to make it worth the trip you know!)Opened the can - it my haste it was chicken noodle soup! My hubby just laughed ( in fact he sat in his chair all night and laughed!)I put everything in the fridge and will finish it today! Locked the doors and didn't venture out anywhere - figured i was just asking for trouble if i went again! But on a side note - neighbor did call when she got home. She is in process of moving and i figured she probably didn't have cream of chicken soup - she had a can but said it was dated from 2010 and if i wanted it i could have it but she understood if i had a problem with it being out of date. She said she never worries about the expiration date on stuff like that and she would use it. I thanked her nicely but said no thanks. My question is this has anyone ever used something like that with an expiration date that long ago. I know some things can be used but i was a little leary with it being CREAM of chicken soup?
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