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Old 01-18-2012, 09:15 AM
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Originally Posted by hannajo
I always manage to get a seam thread to peak out to the front of the quilt top. I'm not so disciplined about trimming threads as I go along, so more than once I've gotten these threads that somehow get stuck, and I can't pull it through.

My other pet peeve is after unsewing something, I pin it together so the points match up. But somehow, even with the pinning, the points still don't match up. How do the points not match up if they are pinned exactly together?! Arggh!
Oh my gosh!!! I am so with you on this!!! I was sewing together 2-1/2 inch squares. I didn't figure I needed to pin them - they were only 2-1/2 inches for pete's sake. And yet - about every 3rd or 4th one - the ends were off just enough that I felt compelled to rip out the seam (I know, not a lot to rip out at) - then pin and resew. And yet I still had the occasional points/ends slightly off.
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