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Old 01-19-2012, 10:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Carsey
OK... I don't see what you are talking about. I don't see any icons. I am writing in the Quick Reply. No Icons here. I usually have to go into the Go Advanced..... hmmmmmm..... it just brought me to the advanced screen with my message in the box.... under here are the Post Icons.... down further.... Additional Options.... and Manage Attachments. I click on that... it brings up another window where I can upload files from my computer. Browse, click on a photo, upload and close. The photo info will be under the manage attachments block. Submit Reply and waalaa there it is.

Your way sure sounds easier!!!!!! What am I doing wrong.


... the icons I mentioned above, were in the Quick Reply box (on my screen). Maybe something different about your settings? or system? And yes, the other way via Go Advanced worked too!

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