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Old 01-22-2012, 03:30 AM
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Originally Posted by wildyard
OH Gosh, I sure hope I wasn't one of the ones that forgot to reply and give thanks. I am always so incredibly thankful for the generosity of everyone here on the board, whether I am the receipient or someone else. But I must confess that I do sometimes forget things. Define sometimes as daily. Between the fibrofog and the meds I take, my best intentions often go astray. It in no way means I don't appreciate the effort and kindness behind the squishy. I always appreciate a gentle reminder that someone hasn't heard from me. Something like a good swift kick in the behind would work.
I have often read here where someone says it is only simple common courtesy to send a thankyou and to let the sender know that the package has arrived and why should the sender have to prompt to get that which is due. And although I do agree and understand the concept in a perfect world, most of us don't live in a perfect world. And many of us, like me, do have our eggs all in one basket, we just can't find where we put the dang basket.
I do make lists and try hard to be organized so I don't forget things, but then along comes a bad day or week and things get put in places never to be seen again, or come across weeks or months later. I mean who looks in the freezer for their to do list?
So I guess what I'm saying is, rather than assume someone does not appreciate your efforts, give them the benefit of the doubt and take your kindness a step further and sent a PM asking if the package was received. We will love you even more for understanding our frailties. Hugsssss and smilesss.....
This is exactly what I was saying,most do not intend to be ungrateful ,they just have so much going on inside their heads they forget. I am horribly forgetful. I hurt a memember on here terribly when she didnt hear from me and contacted me. It was a christmas swap and my son picked up the package and left it in his car. I got back with her a few times saying how sorry I was etc,etc and she still wont respond. We all need to be more understanding and forgiving of each other ........
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