Thread: Darn bills..
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Old 01-22-2012, 09:01 AM
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Thanks! That is a good idea. Hubby was getting rid of a lot of old shirts, so I can practice on them.

Tomorrow I hope to start walking up steps...Hubby won't let me today. He is being very protective, and he doesn't want me to over do it.

Just an FYI, I had a hysterectomy so moving is still tender but I am getting better. Just can't sit or lay for too long or I get stiff and it hurts to move again. Hubby has been wonder but like I said protective but he is going to get our DD today because I miss her and she don't need to miss anymore MDO, she has been gone for 8 days.

Originally Posted by MacThayer View Post
If you're itching to practice FMQ, go to the nearest thrift shop, pick up the cheapest floral fabric you can find -- doesn't matter if it's an old shirt or where it comes from. This is just practice fabric, meant to be thrown out. Find something for the bottom of your sandwich -- junk fabric, something really cheap. Use paper towel for the "batting". Then start by outlining the flowers on the fabric using your new FMQ foot. Try different sizes of flowers. Or different patterns. The whole point is just to get comfortable with the process, and pulling up the bobbin thread to the top, and getting the feel for the movement, and how slow/fast you can go, and how you need to slow down for curves, and how to alter the thread tension if it's not right. For that matter, you may have some old clothes, or a old sheet or stained tablecloth you can use. Just get going, start practicing! This will give you something of genuine value to do until you can buy fabric! If you want more directions (because this is how I learned FMQ) just PM me.
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