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Old 01-22-2012, 09:04 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Oklahoma City, OK
Posts: 354

I share most of the peeves listed by all but, have to add one that I didn't see.. specifically. I have 2 different books that have approximate times listed that you can make such and such top in, by following the instructions as listed of course. I must not be a good follower!! I have spent the last 5 hours working on something that is listed as "..can be finished in just 3 hours.", and I am still NOT done. Not even close to done actually. There are 18 square-in-a-square blocks, and 74 squares with hst's on 2 sides to make a corner triangle for the other blocks. All this for a "Quick and easy" curtain to go round my cutting table. UGH! So frustrating and a big deterrent, IMHO, to list a time it can be finished that must not include the cutting or pressing time involved in each step..? Even with chain piecing, I don't see how the 222 seams required for piecing the individual units before joining them together can equal a finished curtain ready to hang in just 3 hours!! Who writes this stuff anyways?
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