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Old 01-28-2012, 08:49 AM
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I am also doing the craftsy BOM....Here is my input. While all the fabrics you have are very pretty they all basically read as medium value. You need to add some darks and lights. The two bottom fabrics do look to be a medium light and a medium dark but the rest all read as medium value. I like the chocolate and green, maybe if you added a dark chocolate and a cream to the mix you would have better options for contrast. The pink is a nice addition but you have two medium pinks....the one on the right is more interesting to me but I would pick one and put the other back. Grab a bunch of fabrics and lay them out over lapping, step back and squint at them, or if you have a camera with a view finder look at them through that. Sometimes I take a picture with my digital camera and in photo editing make it black and can see value so much better in grey scale. Remember you are going to see this fabric mostly a few inches from your nose as you sew it, but mostly, when finished, it will be seen from many feet away. Value, more even than color, can make or break a quilt.
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