Thread: Tax Refund!
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Old 01-28-2012, 09:31 AM
Gabrielle's Mimi
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I had a side by side refrigerator and hated that I couldn't fit big items (like a cake on a tray, a pizza box, a party platter) in either side! Now I have a bottom freezer and that works out much better. Since we use the 'frig multiple times per day, as opposed to using the freezer once a day, it seems to make sense to me to have the 'frig at eye level.

About the bed...we bought a bed at a home show about 10 years ago (don't remember the brand), and we really enjoy it. It has 2 twin mattresses pushed together and has separate controls so I can sit up and read, or elevate my head to watch TV. It also has a massage vibrator in each mattress. We don't use this feature very often as it is noisy and makes me feel like I am on a rocking boat! The only drawback to this setup is that you need twin fitted sheets and a king top sheet, so buying sheets can be a problem as most often they come in sets now.
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